Thursday 16 October 2008


Amidst much excitement and Andy cursing my inability to divide my writing into manageable chapters in suitable format, the first 27,000 words of Ginnungagaps have gone onto HarperCollins Authonomy website. There are another 43, 000 words ready to go but I don't like to ask Andy to do the tecky bit for me just yet as they aren't divided into chapters either and will require much scrolling, dividing into individual folders and converting to Richtext in order to be uploaded successfully. He has been having a stressful time at work recently and I don't want to add to this in the evenings even though I am so excited by the whole process I could burst! I am exercising patience -after all, Andy has also created me a lovely book cover. He is very accommodating of my demanding requirements! Such a darling!! xx

So this afternoon, with the end of the book in sight, I sit down to wade my way to 'The End'. I've been having trouble finding the finish and no amount of comfort eating handfuls of nuts and wandering around the garden asking the hens what to do has helped. I know how it will end, just not how I'm going to get there. BUT this afternoon, during my 235th round of 'Patience' (there's a game that wastes time better than the Devil) I suddenly had an epiphany and knocked off 2,000 words straight away which has got me rolling very satisfactorily to the end. Hurrah!! I reckon the whole book will end up at 80,000 words. Or 85, 000 if I end up in a ramble. And am I saving this final section in Richtext chapters, each in its own folder? Of course I'm not! I'm an artiste - I have to 'go with the flow'. 'I call it being bleeding awkward, ' I can hear Andy saying!!

And now I have to resist the urge to go on the website every half an hour to see how my baby is doing. Today, I was up the rankings in the children's section from 41 to 21!! I have no idea what this means. I've had a couple of very encouraging comments. Maybe I am a writer after all?

Anyway, it's all very exciting!

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