Monday 26 October 2009

A Crazy Three Days

Does order really come from chaos? Who said that anyway? I am prepared to be convinced of this statement, and if anything will convince me of its truth, it'll be the outcome of the last three days.

So, last Sunday you'll remember I applied, as if in a strange dream, for a job. And on Tuesday I was called for an interview, which I attended on Friday.

And, as you also may have become aware, Chris and Leane and Baby Bug Grand-daughter have been camping out on my writing room floor, having been made homeless from their previous digs and nowhere to go but back to good old Mum's. (It was a bit like the Nativity, only no donkey involved. But if the Wise Men come knocking with gifts, esp. of Gold as we only managed 2 numbers on the Lottery on Saturday (which was 2 more than usual), they are more than welcome.)

So I returned home from my interview on Friday - it went well and my top lip only stuck to my teeth on a couple of occasions - to news from Heather (who is also living at home having returned from uni), that the local housing association had called Leane to say they had a flat for her and Chris to view and could they come and view it, like, NOW!?

Leane had called Chris, who was at work, and he left work and picked up Leane and they had gone to look at this flat. I, meanwhile, was flaking from the interview and on tenterhooks waiting for the phone call to find out if the job was mine. And I'd also detoured through town on my way home from the interview and purchased my future grand-daughter a little outfit combo in pink, with a cute mouse on it. So my feet were aching having walked 45 minutes to the interview, plus 45 minutes home, plus an hour of aimless wandering in-between.

And then Chris and Leane arrived home, very happy, with the keys to their new flat. The phone went. It was my mum, phoning to ask after my interview. I said it went well, but I hadn't heard anything about getting the job yet. But I told her about Chris and Leane's new flat, and also that the Baby Bug Grandchild was going to be a girl. And Mum said she had a dinner service going begging, if the new flat owners wanted it.

This is good, I thought, as the new flat is as bare a new born baby's bum.

So Chris and Leane set about making a list of stuff they needed to furnish the flat i.e everything, and then the phone went again and it was my friend Jane asking after my interview. I told her the same as I'd told my Mum.

In the next hour, the list grew longer and three more people phoned to ask after the interview.

And at just gone 5 p.m, as I was about fit to burst, the headteacher who'd interviewed me called to say the job was mine, and we discussed pay points and salaries etc, which made me feel very much better as I was thinking, we could do with some extra money right now, what with new flats and grandchildren and stuff.

So I phoned the various people who had phoned me and told them I'd got the job and they all went 'HURRAH!' And then people started phoning with offers of various bits of furniture and household accoutrements. And I phoned Chris's father and asked what he intended on contributing to the setting up of the new flat, as it was looking like Andy and I were facing the bill for carpeting the place and buying a colander.

Over the weekend, Andy and I sorted out stuff we'd got double of, and managed to supply the new flatees with a hoover, a kettle, a toaster, a knife set, a chopping board, various tins and bowls, a rug, a stereo, curtain poles, a lamp etc etc etc, blah, blah, blah, and the loft and cupboards are looking a lot less full now, so less stuff for us to take with us if we ever manage to SELL THIS BLOOMIN' HOUSE!!!!! So 'HURRAH!!!' for that.

And we did a swoop on Wilkos for kitchen equipment, bathroom equipment, cat equipment (because luckily they are able to take their two cats with them, so that's a potential re-homing worry out of the way.) Then, because everyone was standing around like lemons and once I decide to take charge of a situation I am like a woman possessed, we went to the flat, measured the rooms, the windows and the gaps for things like washing machine, fridge and cooker. And I dispatched Chris and his dad to look for a sofa, washing machine and cooker, whilst I dispatched Leane, Andy and myself to get the carpets sorted out.

'No-one is allowed to return empty handed,' I said, sternly. And everyone looked scared and scurried off.

Carpets were organised - measured up, fitting slot booked, paid for - and will be all done by tomorrow. A second hand sofa has been located and purchased, the sights have been set on a reconditioned cooker and washing machine. More donations have flooded in from family and friends - a fridge, a microwave, a sideboard, cutlery, glassware, shelving, curtains.

And hopefully, by the end of the week, I should have my writing room back!

This blog was brought to you by 'Crazy Mum's Crazy House - for all your Order from Chaos Needs.' Tune in tomorrow for the next thrilling episode - 'Dealing With the Utility Companies and Other C**p.'


  1. And I thought I'd had a busy weekend - it's nothing compared to yours! Congratulations to all concerned, but especially on getting the job. I do hope it won't mean you don't have time to write this blog, nor that Indigo Antfarm & Violet will be put away in a drawer! I am dying to hear what the chickens have to say about all this ...

  2. Well. Olly, I intend on writing as much as possible because it will keep me sane! It was a bit of a dilemma, going back to paid work, but in this current climate, and with various unexpected financial issues raising their heads, I didn't feel I had much choice. I can't keep letting Andy shoulder the finances.
    The chickens, as you may have guessed, will have plenty to say about this malarkey!


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