Friday 8 October 2010

Little Things

End of the week little things...

...this morning, the handle all but snaps off the fridge. I know why this is. This is due to the excess suction caused by the yucky blobby thing that got stuck in the drain hole at the back, that I extricated a few weeks ago that almost made me yack up. But until that point, the extra suction on the door meant that there was MUCH yanking of the handle every time the fridge door was opened which, here at the Manor, is a regular occurrence.

Clearly, this was all too much for the handle. It now has a tenuous crack in it. It is threatening to come off in someone's hand or possibly trap someone's skin in the crack in a nasty ouchy pinchy way, and that someone will probably be me. So I have wrapped much parcel tape around it a) to hold it together and b) to remind people to be careful and avoid yanking upon opening.

On the interwebbly, I found the appropriate replacement handle which varied in price from £10 to £16. I went for the cheapest option, of course, and thought, 'Isn't the interwebbly a marvellous place to shop around upon?'

...for the last four weeks, there have been two spiders living on the hedge in the front garden. They have strung their webs, one behind the other, twixt the top of the hedge and the front windowsill. And every morning, when I open the curtains, these two spiders are making repairs to their webs dependant upon the weather conditions the previous day. Occasionally I see them catching various bugs, wrapping them up in balls and either leaving them in storage for later, or consuming them immediately. I have called these spiders Hercules and Sisyphus, on account of their tenacious natures. of the pots outside the front door appears to be growing its own pansies. (???????) business cards have arrived. I have put some in a little card holder and have taken to whipping it out and saying 'Business card?' to people.

...there are almost as many ginger feathers inside the egg-lu as there are still attached to Mrs Miggins.

...being vegetarian is doing Andy's cholesterol level the world of good. Now, if I can just get him to embrace the wonders of nuts and seeds...

...the paying-in machine at my bank wasn't working AGAIN today (it has been out of operation for 6 weeks now), so I had to stand in a queue to pay in a cheque, there was only one cashier working, and all other members of staff were in the back office having a right laugh about something. I know because not only could I hear them, I could see them. When one eventually appeared to open another window, she said, 'Sorry to keep you waiting,' and I responded with a tight-lipped smile and a cold-eyed look. My bank has got steadily worse since it was taken over by another bank during the summer - I think 'tis time to move on.

...I bagged a bargain portable therapy stool on e-bay. No more hunching over feet for me! From now on, I'll be able to look 'em straight in the toes.

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