Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Today at work I was greeted by a colleague with the words, 'Hello, Nora Batty!'

I was speechless. And more than a tad upset.

And that is all I have to say.

I retire now.

To tend my wounded heart.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh No! They didn't! Not You!

    Deanna M.

  3. What??????????????

    I'm astonished.

    Really Denise?? I don't think I should write what I think. Briefly that's XuXXXng unbelievable.

    Who do these folk think they are?

    Moira x

  4. I know! Norah Batty indeed! I know I can be a bit narky sometimes, but my stockings are NEVER wrinkly!

    Thank you both for being appalled on my behalf. I have recovered, in true Norah Batty sour-faced style.

    Good to hear from you again, Moira. Hope you are well x


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