Wednesday, 12 February 2014

A Moment of Barter

Firstly, I completely forgot to mention that Flora Bijou Mybug has had her 'lady' operation. Last Thursday she went for surgery, came home, marched from her cat basket, demanded food, then ran about like a crazy cat, flaunting her attractive lilac blue stitches and completely disobeying the doctor's advice to 'not gallop, or stretch, or leap in an extravagant way, or jump on Phoebe's head because she is 18 years old and does not like it.'

She has continued this week to behave in her inimitable wild kitten fashion. So different to human ladies who have hysterectomies where post-op everything is banned from carrying shopping bags to hanging out the washing to driving for at least 6 weeks, preferably 12. Actually, Flora isn't driving either, so maybe not so different after all.

Anyway, you know I am dipping my toe in the ocean of textile design? Well, today I did a bit of talent bartering. I offered my services after school to the textiles teacher (who is a lovely, lovely lady I have known a long time) in return for being able to absorb different textile-type/sewing/arty stuff from the atmosphere of her classroom. 

'Would an extra pair of hands help after school when your GCSE students come to do catch-up sessions?'said I. 'I don't mind how I help. I can sew a bit, and knit a bit, or I could assist with the theory side of things. You know, helping students with research and writing and the like.'

'That would be lovely,' said Textile Teacher. And then, 'Are you sure? Don't you want to go straight home after school?'

'Well,' said I, 'I really want to learn more about textile art and design, and I thought if I helped out in the after school club as a volunteer, I might pick up some useful ideas and techniques along the way. Also maybe a cup of tea and a biscuit. But if I become a nuisance, you must tell me and I shall go away.'

By this point I had been tied into an apron and handed a can of spray glue. 

'Come with me,' said Textile Teacher. 'I shall show you how to do basic fabric stencilling then you can help those two girls over there.'

So I spent a very happy hour and a half being a Textile Assistant! I did some pinning and cutting, and I learned not to waste money on stencilling brushes which are very expensive when an ordinary cheap toothbrush will do the job just as well. I learned how, when and why to use spray glues and saw lots of examples of design scrapbooks. 

Very inspirational! I shall lurk after school as often as I can. 

And in addition to my own working notebook on 'The Language of Fans' I have started to collect things for a mood board for redesigning our bedroom. It's a bit empty at the moment. I am thinking duck egg and teal, olive and cream. Maybe splashes of jade or turquoise. There is one thing I do know, though. And that is there will definitely be NO grey! 


  1. French Grey, touch of green?
    Parma Grey, touch of blue?

  2. No, Jess. NO grey. Not even a Farrow and Ball disguised as something else grey. You are very naughty.

    Diana, please DO NOT encourage Jess. She will only become excitable and then Lord knows what will happen!

    (Crumbs! It's just like being at school...sigh...)

  3. Dove grey? Pigeon-breast grey? Thunderstorm grey with coffee and cream on the side? I shall email you a photograph of our bathroom, in the hope of persuading you that not all greys are the same.
    BTW, I love the sound of a mood board to try out themes of a pre-decorating nature. I am twirling the idea around of having a new kitchen chez here and might do the same xx

  4. Now don't you start, Mrs CT Woman. No grey, d'you hear??? NO grey! Of course, you are more than welcome to tease me with your bathroom piccies, which I am sure are lovely. And a new kitchen - ooooh, excitemondo!!! Definitely time to whip out the mood board. Xxx


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