Thursday 3 March 2011


1) Nearly King Jimbo has been Kindled. Well, it's been uploaded, but takes a couple of days to be available. So don't all rush for it just yet. Pace yourselves. Sunday or Monday should do it.

2) World Book Night is on the horizon and I have a list of people who have requested a free copy of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night Time'. I have to write a ten digit ID number in the back of each one before I give it away so it can be tracked. If the people at World Book Night ask me what they could do to improve the give-away-a-million-books malarkey I'd say, 'Print the ID numbers onto sticky labels and post 'em to us givers to save our poor little hands from developing cramp.' Luckily, I am a writer and used to writing. Fingers of steel, me.

3) From Lawrence (Year 10) - 'I dropped a book down a toilet once. It didn't flush very well.'

4) Book Rage of the Day - watching actor Larry Lamb on 'My Life In Books' this evening. I don't know what it is, but something about him just makes me want to lash out.

5) Book Nausea of the Day - watching Ann Robinson's bingo wings on 'My Life In Books' this evening. They were very, VERY mobile. Perhaps they were enraged by Larry Lamb, too.

6) Book Treat of the Week - the latest Paul Torday. My gift to me for losing 9lbs since the 1st January.

7) From Isobelle (Year 9) - 'Novel? What's a novel?'

8) Andy's current book-fest - 'The Martian Chronicles' by Ray Bradbury. He says it's a classic. I have my doubts. He says I'd love it. I think he's being ironic.

And finally...

...I do have several copies of Curious Incident still to find homes for. If you want a copy, or know anyone who would, then get in touch and I'll get a copy to you. It's a fabulous book. It's funny, it's thought-provoking, but most importantly it was the trigger for me as writer to write in my own voice and not worry about whether my voice was good enough to be heard.

1 comment:

  1. The Martian Chronicles is one of the many books that I would aspire towards as a writer! It's a collection of wonderful, lyrical stories about the colonisation of Mars. Ray Bradbury doesn't really do proper science fiction, its more science fantasy or magical realism. They are beautiful, touching stories.... With space rockets and guns!


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