Sunday 22 May 2011

Wind's Up

We had a heavy rainfall this morning, thank heavens, because it's the first proper rain we've seen in weeks and the allotment was beginning to suffer. All was well if we managed to get there every day to do watering, but we both work fullish time and it's not always possible, though we do try hard. And it's been times like this that a) we wish we had a big old garden that we didn't have to make the effort to travel to and b) we're glad we haven't got more than an allotment and a little garden to deal with because it would be a nightmare trying to keep anything bigger well-tended and watered. But we've had our first pound of strawberries, some rocket, some beetroot and the rhubarb is still going strong, so I guess the constant sunshine has its compensations.

Anyhow, the wind is up, too, and has bought with it, a la Mary Poppins, some job possibilities. It's typical, isn't it? You fret for ages about being out of work, then three or four opportunities come along at once, leaving you making lists of pros and cons for each one and listening to the opinions of others and hoping that perhaps your premium bonds will come good next month (but why break the habit of the last 13 years??) and save you the angst of having to make a decision. Actually, I have promised the Universe that if I ever win a substantial sum of money, I shall give half of it to charity. I've written a list of 5 of my favourites, and the sum I need to win in order to implement the universal bargain, which means I probably won't be able to give up work completely, but might at least be allowed to indulge in different work that doesn't have the Devil of the Mortgage as a considering driving force.

Today has been spent clearing the living room of furniture ready for the decorator who starts tomorrow. The cats are wandering around in a state of echoey confusion, wondering where to sit for their evening's TV viewing. So I've scattered some cushions on the floor for them, which they are begrudgingly plomping themselves upon. I hate to tell them, but this could be the status quo for a couple of weeks yet, because we also ordered a new carpet this morning and I don't feel inclined to hoik sofas from the living room only to hoik them back when the decorator has finished (hopefully Wednesday), then hoik them back out again for the carpet fitter whenever he deigns fit to arrive in the next ten days or so-ish.

Actually, it's quite nice sitting here on the rug, furnitureless save for a TV and a laptop. Minimalist, I think it's called. Perhaps bean-bags are the order of the day.

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