Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Moving Image

Now, although I have had my I-pad for a goodly few months now, it has taken me a while to work out the ENORMOUS breadth of its functions. And today I though, 'let's have a go at making a video for the blog!' So I did. And this is it. I apologise for its content, for the occasional finger over the lens, for my blotchy Winter leg, and for the muddy mess that is our back garden.

However, I thought it might be fun for you to meet Daisy and Primrose in person...chicken...for real...oh, you know what I mean.


  1. I saw your video right here on the blog. It is lovely to finally see your girls and hear your voice. I can't wait for spring to get out in my garden as well.

  2. Thank goodnes you managed to get it up and running, I thought it was me being a bit daaah when I couldn't find it.


  3. Deanna - well done you! I had the most frazzling of frazzled days chasing that video around the internet but I caught it in the end! I agree with you about Spring...just seeing those little fat tree buds ready to burst open lifts the spirit enormously, doesn't it?

    Vera - YAY indeed!!! (A bit worried that this puts me into the realm of computer geekdom, though)

    Diana - no, you were not at home to Mr Daah as you feared. 'Twas entirely my inability to perform a simple techno-task. First 'Daah' award of 2013 to moi, I think!


Thank you for visiting, reading and hopefully enjoying. I love receiving comments and will do my best to reply.